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Punished for not following Rituals?

     Ghosts don't exist? I thought the same throughout my life. I was forced to quit the thought that it didn't exist. Since we moved to the new place, I always felt like someone's with me. It felt like I was being followed at every corner of the home.       Even strange things happed after few days. It was a busy long day. I returned back tired &  exhausted. I took my foods and went straight to the bed. I just laid on the bed and took a deep breath, and there was another deep long breath behind me. I quickly turned my head! No one was there. Strange! I ignored it and started scrolling through my mobile. I was looking at my mobile when I saw something by the corner of my eye. It was a black human-looking shadow thing. It squinted at the corner of the room, nothing was there. "Seems like I am too tired", I said to myself. I started looking at my phone again. The black thing repapered at the same corner again. I ignored it and starting playing some games, the bl

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