Punished for not following Rituals?

    Ghosts don't exist? I thought the same throughout my life. I was forced to quit the thought that it didn't exist. Since we moved to the new place, I always felt like someone's with me. It felt like I was being followed at every corner of the home.  

    Even strange things happed after few days. It was a busy long day. I returned back tired & exhausted. I took my foods and went straight to the bed. I just laid on the bed and took a deep breath, and there was another deep long breath behind me. I quickly turned my head! No one was there. Strange! I ignored it and started scrolling through my mobile. I was looking at my mobile when I saw something by the corner of my eye. It was a black human-looking shadow thing. It squinted at the corner of the room, nothing was there. "Seems like I am too tired", I said to myself. I started looking at my phone again. The black thing repapered at the same corner again. I ignored it and starting playing some games, the black thing appeared to grow bigger. It was rapidly getting closer to me. I turned my head quickly, everything seemed normal. It was difficult to notice anything abnormal. I started sensing some fear within me. However, I continued at my game and the black thing was again seen by the corner of my eye. It again stated moving towards me rapidly. Just besides my face it stopped and I felt like it was staring at me. It made me scream. I reckon it wasn't a loud one, as it seemed that no one heard me. I was terrified and I went to my sister room with the excuse of talking to her about her academics. I could not stay at her room for long as she told that she was sleepy. I returned to my room and went to bed, switching all the lights. After I laid into the bed, everything seemed fine for first few minutes. But after a while, it felt like someone was besides with me in my bed. I could hear breathing besides me. Every breath I take was duplicated. When I held my breath for a while, it stopped as well. It was terrifying.

    Next day, I told my sister about it. She refused to believe it and started taunting me. After a while, our discussion came into the agreement of swapping rooms for a night. Next morning, she said that she had similar experiences. We told it to our parents and a jharki was called. (not exactly jharki, but since I don't remember the exact word for him I am calling him jhakri). He confirmed that there's some spirit roaming around me and my sister, since we don't do the puja and other cultural rituals. He provided with the solution to the problem as well. Then, we were made to perform some rituals and pujas for more than week. After the rituals were complete after about couple of weeks, we stopped experiencing such things. 

    It made me think that maybe these spirits do exists or maybe not. However, it made me believe that these things do happen.


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