
New look of Narayanghat-Muglin road section (In photos)
Img: A section of muglin-narayanghat road 

    Muglin-Narayanghat road is one of the major road ways of Nepal with international links. The road also has numerous of ghost tales that tells about drivers encounter with ghosts.
     Me, along with my 7 friends were returning through the same road after 2 weeks long trip. We were eight people on four bikes returning back to Kathmandu. We woke up early and stared our trip back to Kathmandu. We started at around 6 in the morning without proper breakfast, so we were searching for a good enough place to have something.The friend I had sitting behind my bike needed to gossip a lot. He would comment about anything that he saw around. We were looking around for a place to stop and he again began , "त्या हेर न। त्यो केटी कस्तो पुरै हरियो लाएर हिँड्दै छे। कपाल नि हेर न खुल्ला चुडेल हो कि के हो". I said "चुप लाग अहिले सुन्छ". He then started laughing. The lady stared at us, maybe she heard what we said. 

    Few minutes later, our friends, who were at the beginning, fell off the bike all of a sudden. Other two just behind them tripped over them and fell we. We missed the accident by a inch. We picked them and asked the one that fell at the very beginning, "कसरी लड्यो?" He replied "कस्तो एकासी बाटो काटदिन खोज्यो। अनी आतिएर लड्यो" Our friends started scolding her, "के गरेको दिदी? एस्तो ठाउँमा बाटो काट्नु हुन्न भन्नि थाहा छैन? " It was the same lady we saw few minutes ago who was wearing all green. She apologized for what she did. She seemed worried, so we didn't talk much to her. My friend told me, "यो त अगी हामीले माथि देखेको केटी हैन?" I said, " हो! एती चाँडै यता कसरी आइपुगी यो?" We were shocked that she was there before us walking. We then started checking if any one were injured or there was any damage to the bike. There was no harm to people or bike. Then I again turned back to tell the lady not to do so on this busy road, she could loose her life.But when we turned around she was gone already. She was not seen anywhere around and we did not take our eyes off her for long enough that she could disappear out of our sight walking. All of us were puzzled that where did she go.

    After few kilometres ride, we finally stopped at a place for a break. But when we reached there the lady was already there outside the hotel. We all looked at each others face. One of our friends asked her, " तपाईं हिड्दै तेती परबाट यहाँ यति चाडै कसरी आउनु भयो?" She replied , " म त एकै छिनमा जता पनि पुग्छु।" We were all terrified and were about to go inside, but she told us that someone was waiting for her few kilometres ahead and she had no transport means. She needed to get there quickly, so she requested us if we could drop her ahead. We hesitated at the beginning  and we discussed with each other. Later decided that  two of us would go on two bikes (cause everyone of us were scared to go alone), drop the lady and return back.  But, the lady again disappeared. We searched for her around but she was not there. We asked the guys who was in the hotel's counter, but he said he never the such lady. He added when we arrived there there were no one around and only eight of us were there. 

    That scared us a lot. We thought we would find her again back in the way, but we never found her again. We were scared a lot and talking about how could the lady disappear, then the people at hotel said that young boys often report the similar incident. He added that people often see the lady dressed whole in green asking for help. We asked, "सबैले उस्तै केटी कसरी देख्छ?" He replied,  "भाइहरु डराउनु हुन्छ होला। केही बर्ष अगाडि एउटा केटीको accident मा तेही ठाउँमा ज्यान गएछ। त्यो बेला देखी त्यो ठाउँमा ती केटीको भूत छ रे भन्छन".

NOTE: The story is completely fictional and based on author's imagination.The plot as well as characters are author's imagination. The story being related to anyone is nothing more than a coincidence. We do not promote the existence of ghost and we believe that the muglin-narayanghat section being haunted is just a myth. 


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